本廠地處美麗的山西晉南歷史文化名城--新絳,創(chuàng)建于七十年代。三十多年來,一直以開發(fā)金剛石工具高新技術(shù)為主導(dǎo),現(xiàn)已形成較大規(guī)模半自動(dòng)化專業(yè)生產(chǎn)優(yōu)勢,被數(shù)十家知名企業(yè)指定為配套定點(diǎn)供貨單位。本廠生產(chǎn)工藝先進(jìn),技術(shù)實(shí)力雄厚,品種規(guī)格齊全,產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量過硬,受到東南亞各國朋友和客商的好評。 由衷的歡迎海內(nèi)外各界朋友光臨指導(dǎo),洽談業(yè)務(wù),交流技術(shù)! The factory is located in the beautiful state-level historical and cultural city in Shanxi Jinnan - xinjiang, founded in the seventies. Thirty years, has been to develop high-tech as the leading diamond tool, is now a large-scale production of semi-automation advantages, dozens of well-known companies are designated as supporting designated suppliers. Our advanced production technology, technical strength, different specifications, product quality, by the Southeast Asian countries, friends and merchants. Sincerely welcome all friends to visit and negotiate business, exchange of technology!
- 工廠地址:
- 山西 運(yùn)城市 山西省新絳縣 -
- 固定電話:
- (0359) 未核實(shí),僅供參考
- 銷售:
- 候德明
- 郵政編碼:
- 044000
- 順企®采購:
- 請賣家聯(lián)系我在線采購產(chǎn)品
本頁是 [新絳劉裕東方鉆石刃具廠] 在順企網(wǎng)運(yùn)城黃頁的介紹頁,如果您是負(fù)責(zé)人并希望管理這家工廠, 請免費(fèi)注冊,通過企業(yè)認(rèn)證,便可完成綁定。可修改,發(fā)布推廣您的產(chǎn)品和服務(wù)。 如果信息有誤需要糾正或者刪除,請 聯(lián)系我們